Saturday, May 18, 2024

Spring has Sprung!

Spring has sprung in NE Iowa! Flowers are in bloom, mushrooms have presented themselves, puppies look longingly out at the critters under the crabapple tree… it’s beautiful!

I had no idea crabapple trees were such a sight to behold. It’s been so beautiful from inside the house and outside! I told a friend it was like having living art to look out the windows and see it dancing in the breeze and hear the birds chirping along its branches. What a treat.

The woman who lived in Collin’s house before him was a master gardener (I believe he referred to her as Lois last night, so I’ll do the same!) Lois managed to incorporate perennials that bring color to every corner of the yard and somehow there’s almost always something blooming (as long as there’s no frost!) However, it’s a learning curve and Collin works long hours, so the garden has become overgrown! His Aunt Janice has been helping me revive it little by little by weeding and eventually we will put fresh mulch down, it’s going to look so nice!

Collin has picked me a few bouquets of sweet Williams in honor of his grandparents… he’s keeping their legacy alive by following in his Grandpa Robert’s footsteps as he used to pick sweet William’s for Collin’s grandma, Beulah. Thankful to be a part of the legacy and the recipient of such sweetness and love.