I have read 1 + 3/4 of Gretchen Rubin's books and probably a dozen of her blog posts, I'm not quite a 'fan girl', but I do really appreciate her perspective and delivery of concepts. Anyone who can get me acting and not just thinking is a winner in my book.For the last two years, I've picked a 'Word of the Year' rather than shoot for a New Year's Resolution, it's been so much more fruitful, holy cow.
In 2018 I experienced more grief and change than I think I ever have at one time before, my life felt so overwhelmingly chaotic, so I chose simplify as my word of the year - it's currently my favorite of the two words I've chosen... :)
Just as 2019 came to a close, I ended a long, painful, unhealthy relationship - I hadn't been caring well for myself, which made it hard to properly care for others, so my choice of word for 2020 was simply: this. As in, this (me, my heart, my person) was what I needed to focus on and care for in each decision and moment. We all know 2020 was a loaded cannon, and while my word was helpful and nourishing... I think I still have a sour taste in my mouth from 2020... that word may have been more fruitful in another setting, but we're marching on, it's 2021, babay!
BOUNDARIES. This is my word for 2021. Last year I wanted the word, "rhythm", but a wise and respected friend suggested I consider something more fun... Having put it off last year, "rhythm" was at the top of my list again for 2021, but there have been things that I've been working on where boundaries will be more helpful and concrete. Having a word of the year gives me direction when I'm choosing books to read and focusing on how to honor and nourish my soul. I'm hoping practicing boundaries and having some practical goals to accomplish will make for a really fruitful 2021, regardless of what's happening in the world.
Okay, so back to Gretchen Rubin. In her Happiness Project, she challenges readers to create their own "Secrets of Adulthood" and personal "Commandments", challenging me to think of what matters most to me and what breathes life and joy into my life was such a gamechanger - I hadn't realized how much was (and, often, still is!) lacking in my life! But the thing I realized is that it's hard to change what's not working if you're unaware of the issue... if you don't know what you're lacking, how can you make room for more of it? SO, with my own personal commandments and secrets of adulthood in mind, here is my list of 21 for 2021 - lists give me the momentum of accomplishment and there will be a heavy dose of joy to check into for 2021. I am trying to be fairly specific in hopes that the lack of ambiguity will help me to jump in and mark things off more readily.
1. Read through the Bible.
2. Drink 64+ ounces of water each day.
3. Have a solo retreat in Hood River.
4. Save $15k+ for down-payment.
5. Try a new recipe each month! (January's is: jajangmyeon! I will have to master it because I have a kilo of the concentrated staple ingredient... HA!
6. Write more! Blog at least once a month and work through online memoir class.
7. Use "America the Beautiful" pass 3+ times.
8. Visit Crater Lake.
9. Limit book shopping to 2 each month. (Book club and a possible bonus - this feels more attainable to me than cold turkey!)
10. Take (at least) four spontaneous beach trips!

11.Look presentable at least once a week. :)
12. Send handwritten snail mail at least once a month.
13. Create 12 new paintings.

14. Sing more.

15. Plan weekly focus&intention with the littles.
16. Go outside everyday, even when it's rainy.

17. Put the camping gear to use!
18. Put my snow pants to use!
19. Cherish the Sabbath - rest, reflect, read.
20. Practice saying "no".
Alright, let's do this!